The deadline for contributions to the Old School News will be the 10th of the month before publication. Whilst the Newsletter is being published on this site, the contribution deadline will appear on the front page of the preceding issue.
The editor of the Old School News welcomes contributions of information about events and activities taking place anywhere in the Stoke Climsland parish or elsewhere in the local area where these are likely to be of interest to members of the Stoke Climsland community.
Notices of community events and activities will be published free of charge at the discretion of the editor. These can be sent as Word documents (which will be made into suitable notice form) or as graphics or pdf files in full colour.
These should normally fit a 9 cm column and be no higher than 13 cm or be in a landscape format of 18 cm x up to 6.5 cm and be legible at those sizes.
Larger notices may be reduced in size unless first agreed with the editor.
Articles or letters will also be welcome; where these exceed 500 words it will be best to contact the editor before submission. Long submissions or items that may be of limited interest to the community may be edited.